The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
Texas Pride Disposal has informed Harris County MUD No. 286 (HCMUD 286) that they are monitoring the weather forecast for any impacts on trash and recycling service.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
Residents of Lakewood Crossing subdivisions are invited to MUD 286's Water Conservation Meeting, in conjunction with Lakewood Crossing's National Night Out.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 286 Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters.
We are happy to announce our new website is now live! Please take a few minutes to look around and be sure to spot the following pages.
A message from Texas Pride Disposal: WEATHER UPDATE - 1/16, 7:30AM: Out of concern for the safety of their workers, Texas Pride has cancelled all routes today.
Good news! The North Harris County Regional Water Authority is immediately terminating Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan. Since Harris County 286 is in the boundaries of NHCRWA, we will also terminate stage 1.
The North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) has rescinded Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan and has reverted back to Stage 1 voluntary water restrictions.
Please join MUD 286 and the Lakewood Crossing HOA's for a Water Conservation Meeting in conjunction with National Night Out!
Due to ongoing drought conditions, the City of Houston and the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) have both implemented Stage 1 of their respective Drought Contingency Plans.
Flushing of the District’s water lines will be conducted beginning on Monday, March 6, 2023. The flushing may continue until Friday, March 10, 2023.
We have contracted with Touchstone District Services to provide email and text alerts to our customers. Residents may register phone numbers and email addresses to receive text messages regarding District activity and water service impacts, for free, using the link below or scanning the QR code with their phone.
You may have recently received a door hangers requesting a water sample from your home. Please note that these door hangers are NOT from EDP or MUD 286, but rather a private water filtration company which has NO affiliation with MUD 286